Creating a Backup For Your Playstation 3 Games

With the Credit Crunch leaning over a shoulders money is getting tight nowadays and people are always looking for ways to save money, not just on energy bills but for their own personal reasons whatever they maybe. But the truth is that credit crunch is real and it affects me and you so finding ways to conserve our money is crucial.

The saying goes that ‘You have to spend money to make money’ and that is true but think of it like this. ‘You spend money to SAVE money’ I know your reading this and thinking this guy is a complete and utter arse but it’s true IN A WAY! If you want to be able to live through this economic crisis then listen carefully. Serious gamers are now taking necessary actions to protect their games from being damaged and information being lost, they are doing this buy downloading software that allows you to create a backup or a copy of your PlayStation 3 games.

The software works by decrypting the encryption code on the game’s disc and this will act as a copy protector and will also prevent privacy. Once the game has successfully been duplicated/backed up you are then able to transfer the copy onto a local hard drive which can then be burnt onto a blank CD/DVD for further use.

However I MUST stress that you will find information on the Internet about how copy PlayStation 3 games on places such as blogs, forums and gaming communities although the information that has been put on there might seem genuine it is more than likely going to be bogus. So it really is not a good thing to just go buy someones word until you know for sure that it can be trusted and what is better than buying it and if it doesn’t work then simply refunding it is the answer

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