Old School Video Gaming

Old School Video Gaming

Retro gaming and old school gaming are coming back to life. why do owners of today’s technology want to play the kind of games that an elastic band could power. The rise of casual gaming is part responsible.

Online video game Websites now offer the choice of old and new games which make it easier for the retro gamer to buy older console and computer classics. These websites are also useful to buy accessories. Backlists haven’t always been so easily available.

Even for Console owners, though, the experience of of playing Super Mario Bros. in the era of the Gamecube could only be achieved by hunting down a NES and a compatible game cartridge. Console based retro-gaming became pretty much the preserve of collectors or anyone who hadn’t got around to throwing their old stuff away. The Wii’s virtual console lets you revisit classic games like Fatal Fury without having to dig out your old consoles from the loft.

Retro gaming is now the Videogaming industry that is the equivalent of the slow food movement. Today we are faced with increasingly complicated games that take even longer to play. While there is no denying the ever-evolving nature of the videogame industry, modern day software releases are still reliant on gameplay inspiration provided by retro offerings from years gone by. You can now operate in the controversial area of console emulation. The current generation of consoles use emulators to play their predecessor’s backlists; and that emulation has helped Nintendo bounce back to success. Enjoy your gaming.…

How Do You Install Linux on Your Playstation 3?

How Do You Install Linux on Your Playstation 3?

It’s no secret that Sony’s PlayStation 3 is one of the most popular gaming consoles in the world. However, it can be more than just a gaming console. You can install Linux on your PlayStation 3 to turn it into a fully functioning desktop computer. It is perfectly legal to do so and, as a matter of fact, Sony even allows for this as the company included an “OtherOS Install” option in the cross menu bar (XMB). even further, Sony named Fixstar Solutions’ (formerly Terra Soft Solutions) Yellow Dog Linux distribution as the official distribution for the PS3. So with Sony’s blessing, installing Linux is perfectly legal and it will not void your warranty.

Installing Linux on your PlayStation 3 allows for your already first-rate gaming console and Blu-ray player to be an additional home computer. You can surf the web with a feature-rich browser like FireFox, create documents and spreadsheets using open source applications such as OpenOffice, communicate with friends and family using instant messaging applications, and it allows for a fully featured desktop environment just like a regular home computer will offer.

Remember, doing this will not take away from your PlayStation 3’s native operating system. It will still work as a gaming console but installing Linux to its hard drive will partition the console’s hard drive so that both can live and work together without corrupting the other’s capabilities.

If you are ready to take the plunge and make your PlayStation 3 into a more robust and feature-rich console, the first thing you should do before doing anything else is back up your files. Repeat, BACK UP YOUR FILES. This cannot be said enough. Though installing Linux on your PS3 will not erase its operating system, it will erase any saved games. If you do not want to lose them, back up your data.…

Cruising The Information Technology Superhighway

Cruising The Information Technology Superhighway

As I watched the news on the tube last evening I couldn’t help but appreciate the efforts and resources that media houses are putting into their businesses in a bid to stay afloat in the competition as well as stay relevant. Giant screens at every corner, cutting edge furniture and even iPads for the news anchors. This station has gone as far as showing the robotic cameras in every corner of the newsroom! Real-time news streaming is also offered in a strip at the bottom of the screen. While this is a common phenomenon almost everywhere in the third world, much more is in the offing in the first world. Fast rewind some years back we only had one national broadcaster and things were quite analog then. Behind the anchor was a placard with the name of the station roughly inscribed on it. The furniture was quite standard and the news were on many sheets of paper that were carefully set aside one after the other until all the news were read!

This might be a crude description of the situation today, but I believe it paints the picture as is. The world of information technology is on a relentless hurry, with what is hot today losing its appeal by the next week. Take the mobile phone industry for example. Just the other day it was hot and prestigious to own one. Today it is more of a necessity than a gadget of prestige. In fact, the battle is now on how much your mobile phone can do for you, apart from making and receiving calls! Thinking of function, I do all my banking on my mobile phone today. All my bills are usually cleared at the comfort of my sitting room and visiting the bank is more of the exception than the rule!

Technology has brought the world to our finger tips especially through the internet. And this is getting more and more simplified each passing day. What was science fiction yesterday is reality today. The magic of the Knight of Knight-rider fame is possibly in the making somewhere in Japan! It will not be a very strange phenomenon anyway. And many more technological breakthroughs are obviously coming tomorrow. It is an unstoppable industry, partly owing to business competition as we as human’s quest for a more comfortable and convenient living. My only worry is that compliance is not an option in the modern living and it looks to me like we are in the end days and that we are already getting booked for the rapture. But what choice are we getting to opt out?…

What Causes the Yellow Light of Death?

What Causes the Yellow Light of Death?

Having your PS3 crash while you are trying to turn it on or while playing games can be extremely annoying and frustrating. Unfortunately, the yellow light of death is not something that just goes away like Sony suggested.

If you read the manual, they recommend you turn off the game and allow it cool. Unfortunately, no one has reported getting their console back on using this. If you are curious and want to know what causes yellow light of death on the PS3 console, here are a few of the most common causes.

1. Power Surge

The power cable is pretty delicate and fragile. Unfortunately, it looks like Sony never planned for things like power surge. So, when there is a power surge, it causes a partial disconnect of the power cable resulting in a burnt diode or capacitor.

2. Over Heating

The guys who designed the console were either short sighted or did it intentionally. If you have opened the console, you will find that the HDD and the PSU are both in close proximity. Since they both generate huge amounts of heat, this often results in a melted contact point or soldered wire.

There is little or no room -except the vents- for heat to circulate and leave the console. Thus, wires melt, soldered points become weak and the board becomes weak. The combination of all these often contribute to what causes yellow light of death.

3. Dust

Who would have thought this could do a lot of harm. However, dust is a major factor in what causes the yellow light of death too.

These three are the primary culprits; every other problem stems from them. So, now that you know what causes yellow light of death in PS3, what can you do to fix the problem?

1. If you already have it, send it to Sony for repairs. It will cost you $150, a formatted HDD and 6-12 weeks without your console. Apart from this, you never get any recommendations as to what you can do to prevent a further recurrence. In fact, it sometimes looks like Sony just wants us to keep paying them after buying their “cash burning” appliance.

2. The second and best option is to repair it yourself. There are a few proven instructional guides with step-by-step videos that you can watch, replicate what they’re doing and voila, your PS3 comes back on. Even if you aren’t tech savvy, you can still do this as they are very easy to follow and are explained in layman’s terms.

Apart from this, you get to recover your saved games, get it back up in less than 2 hours -tech savvy people can do it in less than 60 minutes- and prevent a recurrence following the recommendations you will get from the guides.…

Fix My Ps3 Red Light Error – PlayStation 3 Red Light of Death, Can I Fix It?

Fix My Ps3 Red Light Error – PlayStation 3 Red Light of Death, Can I Fix It?

How can I fix my Ps3 red light problem? Are you the person who’s saying this? You just pressed the power button that’s on your PlayStation 3 and all of a sudden your console gets a red light error? This is a really annoying situation. This error is caused because of the heat, and it could be solved easily right now, with a little help.

3 ways to fix my ps3 red light error.

1) The first option you’ve got is that you send your PlayStation 3 to Sony This way, you let them fix your Ps3 problem although, it will take at least 1 month before you will get your console back. Also, if your warranty has been expired, it will cost you $150,- And that is a lot of money, but let’s see the other options first!

Send your PlayStation 3 to your local repair shop This is basically the same as option 1, only this one is slightly different. This will cost you around $75,- and it will take 2-4 weeks to get your console back. If you don’t feel like spending so much money, and waiting 2-4 weeks, then you really should fix your PlayStation 3 by yourself.

The last option you’ve got left is that you fix your ps3 red light error by yourself. This might seem a bit strange, because you’ve never done this before. But as long as you have a guide on your side, nothing can go wrong. Why would you spend $100’s of dollars on repair costs, if you could actually repair it by yourself, right now, within one hour? Fix the PS3 red light error by yourself is actually the best way to repair your PlayStation 3.…

Have Some Fun in Your Marketing With Christmas Time Promotional Gadgets – Here Are 3 You Must See

Have Some Fun in Your Marketing With Christmas Time Promotional Gadgets – Here Are 3 You Must See

The gadgets I would like to introduce to you to in this article are not cheap but they are available personalised in small quantities. What’s more, they are available all over Europe and the US. If you have a few clients you would like to impress this Christmas, here are a few ideas that will do just that. There are, after all, promotional gifts for the majority of our customers and then there are those for our long time loyal customers that help drive your businesses. Many of whom may even be good friends.

Even if none of these gifts appeal to you, this is only an introduction. There are hundreds of fun gadget gifts on the market that can be found on the internet and at gift shows. Have fun looking. Believe me, I do!

The Slazenger iPod sports jacket and rucksack: These items are available separately from this well known brand. Anyone who watches sporting events on TV will know the Slazenger brand which will make these gifts even more special and exciting to receive.

The iPod Jacket – This attractive black water resistant jacket is manufactured in 100% ribstop polyester with comfort lining of 100% polyester mesh. The hood is detachable and the zippers reversible with plenty of pockets. What makes this jacket special is that it has a special pocket for iPod, iPhone and MP3 players. It also has a remote control panel sewn into the bottom of the left hand sleeve which allows you to forward or reverse the tunes and also to turn it up or down. The jacket is washable, but you might like to remove your iPod first. There is quite a hefty price tag so look around for the best price.

The iPod Rucksack – Manufactured in high density nylon, this rucksack is like no other. The iPod control panel is in the left strap. Like the jacket, it allows you to control the volume and music while your iPod is tucked away in its special pocket. The rucksack can also easily and safely carry a laptop.

The Floating Desktop Globe: This is really a gift for the customer who already has everything. The floating glove is a new techno invention that will amaze anyone that sees it. It is manufactured in stainless steel with acrylic sides. You can pass your hands over and under the globe and you will touch nothing but air. The globe floats like the real earth over a magnetic base. This top quality gift is slightly expensive but well worth the advertising you will receive from all those that see your logo and details printed on it.

Wireless Internet Radios: Do you have customers that are still listening to their old fashioned am/fm radios? A wireless internet radio is the answer. It can be set to listen to radio stations in the country or genre of your customer’s choice. The Internet radios I have seen also feature remote controls, clocks, alarms and calendars. This is just another one of the gadget gifts that will be cherished and used for years promoting your business all along the way.…

How Gaming Has Changed Since the Old Days

How Gaming Has Changed Since the Old Days

Now I love to play video games and remember the old days when I was a kid and had my spectrum computer, back then it really was the in game system to have and one football game I loved to bits was called Match Day. Games really were hard back then with no cheats it was impossible to complete a game.

But today we have the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 and along with the games system there are forums which hold the keys to you completing games and all of this help is here thanks to the internet.

Followers from around the world are on these forums and it really is a great way to meeting game freaks like myself. Now one of the games of the year for me is fifa 10 which has just got better with the improvement in skills that have been added and the playing modes such as player mode and manager mode is just fantastic and takes the game to a whole new level.

Player mode lets you design your own footballer and during a season your goal is to try and make him as successful as possible. Now I have played this game for years and the forums have really help me in finding out the best ways to score goals and I have learnt the best way to build up my players statistics.

Another great option is also the online game play which in my opinion is much more better than playing against the computer because of the real life interaction you can get with the other player online and with the Xbox 360 you can wear your headset and talk to you opponent which really enhances the game play. Game consoles and the internet have really paved the ways since the old days and gaming will never be the same again.…

Buy PlayStation 3 Games Online

Buy PlayStation 3 Games Online

Whether you are a proud PlayStation 3 owner or you know a friend that has one, looking for new games is a constant matter. I mean, what’s the use of having a console if you don’t have the games?

You can easily get bored of the video games that you already have, especially if you have beaten the game and you know all the tricks. Some people think it is difficult and expensive to get new PlayStation 3 video games but that is not true.

Even if you are on a tight budget, there are video games with great discounts if you know where to look for them.

The Gaming Store

The video gaming stores are actually the best places to look for PlayStation 3 video games. It is the best place to look for cool discounts too. The stores also have the newest games and no matter what game you try to find, they can have it or get it for you.

They also have games for different gaming consoles types. In this way, you have plenty of options to choose from. You should know that, most of the times, the stores have games for the top three video gaming consoles.

This means you will easily find games for X Box 360, Nintendo Wii and of course, for PlayStation 3. There are also some great games for the predecessors of these consoles.

There is another great thing about going to a store like that. You can also buy some used PlayStation 3 video games.

Even if they are used, the games are in perfect working conditions and the price is great. If something doesn’t work, you can always return the game to the store.

Besides that, you can also sell or exchange your used games for some other. In this way, you will have a fresh supply of games at your hand with very little money to spare.

And another great thing about these gaming stores is that the people working there can give you their personal review and input on different PlayStation 3 games before you buy them.

The department Stores

Besides the gaming stores, PlayStation 3 games can also be found inside the department stores. The single problem with these stores is that their offer is limited as the selection is rather narrow.

They most probably have all the popular ones but not what you are looking for.

Plus, the people there might not be able to tell you things about the games or help you in any way. Besides that, you can not resell the game or buy used ones.…

Cool Gadgets Online – Innovative Devices

Cool Gadgets Online – Innovative Devices

Today, purchasing a device for the near and dear ones is quite a difficult task for the people. Even, the cool gadgets online come in various sizes and shapes. Many of us used the gizmos only for our entertaining purposes but some of them are considered them as just the requirements. Devices like televisions, laptops, computers and many more have been used by the people in their day to day lives. All these devices are very useful and helpful for us and have also made our life easier.

So many outstanding devices are only meant for the special occasions. Special events devices like birthday presents, Christmas gadgets, presents for loved ones, Valentine gifts, travel gadgets, etc have highly appreciated by the people all over the world. The customers can also find a large number of other trendy and classic gizmos that include office going tools, eco tools and lots more. Such devices can also be used for any of the particular reason. All these widgets are made available for the people of all age groups.

On the other hand, most of the gadgets are specifically created for the small children that include puzzles, quizzes, games, playing toys like racing cars, soft toys and lots more. Numbers of people are getting highly attracted towards these astonishing and wonderful devices. In order to fulfill the personal as well as professional purposes, various marvelous items are designed by numerous companies. Some of them include netbooks; iPod touch, USB modems and many others.

The customers can very easily use all of these powerful ones just to meet all your daily needs and desires. With the help of the internet, you can easily buy cool gadgets online. Many of the websites offer full information to the people within a very short period of time. So, if you want to save your leisure time then just log on to internet via online.…